Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Video of the City of Coppell's Special Hearing

Here is the video link for last night's/this morning's Special Hearing.

Specific points of interest:
  • 3:43:33 - City Council's questions of Manara Academy
  • 4:42:35 - Mayor Peters' voices her strong and grave concerns
  • 4:54 - City Council's closing comments
  • 4:54:45 - Council member Mahalik jumps the gun to vote for Manara
  • 4:55:20 - Mayor Peters' asks for more discussion and deliberation from the Council
  • 4:55:30 - Mayor Peters' statements
  • 4:59:00 - Mayor Pro Tem Hunt states that she was hoping that there would be more discussion by City Council
  • 5:00:00 - Mayor Pro Tem Hunt says that if our worst fears about traffic come true and this was a mistake, how are we going to close down the school and I'm looking for additional insight
  • 5:00:45 - City Council member Mahalik states his support for City Staff
  • 5:01:40 - Mayor Peters final comments and responds to Hunt's plea for more discussion, 'we are trying to cram too much on too small of a site...'
  • 5:03:20 - Council member Tunnell states that 'fears most of the time are just is the new reality.' States that the fear we have about this school are the same that we would have about any school and she doesn't understand that is any worse that what we already have.
  • 5:05:25 - Council member Franklin states that he is proud of the citizens and says 'I'm sorry to say but I probably expect the worst and am surprised how folks have shown up with passion....'
  • 5:08:15 - the unanimous vote to carry the motion to approve the Manara Acadamy's SUP

Manara Acadamy Information - Stay Informed

As concerned citizens, we must stay informed about the Manara Acadamy's plan to open August 2009 with 326 enrolled students, a 126% increase in K-5th grade student enrollment from the existing school's greatest capacity of 144 students.

Join the Manara Acadamy YahooGroup

Manana Academy's website

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

City Council Votes, Unanimous FOR Manara

City Council has voted
FOR = for the rezoning for Manara Acadamy
AGAINST = denying the rezoning SUP for Manara Acadamy

Marvin Franklin, Council/PL6: FOR

Billy Faught/Council/PL5: FOR

Marsha Tunnell, Council/PL4: FOR

Brianna Hinojosa - Flores, Council/PL3: FOR

Bob Mahlik, Council/PL2: FOR

Tim Brancheau, Council/PL1: FOR

**edited with addition***
Karen Hunt, Mayor Pro-Tem/PL7: FOR

It is 1136p and the City Council, Special Hearing is Still in Session

The City of Coppell's Special Hearing began at 7p tonight. There were many speakers for the approval of the SUP for Manara Acadamy, and there were many more speakers in opposition.

Mayor Peters began the Manara Acadamy zoning discussion by opening up the one hour discussion "for" and one hour discussion "against", to an unlimited time so that all sides had adequate time to voice their opinions.

Mayor Peters also noted that the letters FOR Manara Acadamy was 38, and letters in OPPOSITION was 199.

A few quotes from the Opposition:

"The residents of Coppell are not opposed to Manara Acadamy putting in a school, but we are opposed to the Manara Acadamy putting in a school on this property because the intensity of density of the use. This property and facility is not adequate for the growth that Manara Acadamy wants to immediately enroll and expand to in the future"

"We are very concerned about the traffic and safety with this location. The current school at its best enrollment of students had around 144 K-5 students. In year one, Manara Acadamy will enroll 326, with a Charter to expand to 500."

For the record, it is 1148p and the City Council is still asking Manara Acadamy questions and raising concerns. Looks like this Special Hearing will roll into Wednesday!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Please Plan to Attend the City Council Meeting tomorrow at 7p!

You are invited to participate in the special-called City Council session that will culminate in a vote regarding the use of Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church property for the Manara Academy Charter School.

June 16, 2009 – tomorrow night!
7:00 pm
Town Center Building
255 Parkway Blvd

Why should you attend this meeting?
The volume of activity in this location will impact our community in many ways. In brief, we oppose the use of this land due to traffic and safety implications, the volume of people and activity located within residential zoning, and the strain on municipal resources. How the council members vote on this single issue will serve as a key indicator of what we can expect from our elected officials in all future city matters. It is our stance that the residents and the neighborhoods surrounding this location will be adversely impacted. In this particular case, the citizens of Coppell have overwhelmingly expressed a VOCAL and WRITTEN OPPOSITION to this special use permit.

This issue is receiving significant media attention. There have been reporters and attorneys at both Planning & Zoning meetings and they most certainly will be present tomorrow night. Manara’s attorneys have insinuated that our position of opposition is discriminatory in basis and racially motivated. We unequivocally repudiate that inflammatory label. Coppell is a community of spiritual strength with respect for differing personal beliefs. Our diversity is evident in Coppell’s daily life and speaks for itself.

Please join us to affirm our stance that the citizens of Coppell are opposed to any dense volume use of this land, no matter what its purpose- governmental, commercial or educational.

Neighbors, make the effort and let your voice be heard!

Please let everyone you know in Coppell about this information!

Property Owners affected by
Manara Academy’s request for
Special Use Permit

Special Called Council Meeting - Manara Case, Tuesday, 6/16/09, 7p

The City's Council Packet is available on the City of Coppell's website.

CP 2009-06-19[Icon] Direct link, .pdf [159 pages, 39MB file]

The information is deep within the site, so this should help you find the .pdf file if the link doesn't work for you:

> click Manara Acadamy Case
> click "Click here" to see available electronic packets and agendas
> click "City Secretary"
> click "City Secretary folder"
> click "02-Council Packets"
> click "2009"
> click "CP 2009-06-19", the .pdf will open

Section 8 is where the Public Hearing: Consider approval of Case No. S-1033R2-SF-12 is located

Have you sent in your email to the City yet? See post below for letter. Cut and paste in an email and customize it for you.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Have you sent in your email to City Council? Need your help!

This will take 1 or 2 minutes to complete and send. Please, DO IT NOW!


e-mail to:

Subject Line: Vote No to SUP – S – 1033R2-SF-12

June ___, 2009

Dear Coppell City Council Members,
I am writing to you to share my strong opposition for the proposed SUP – S – 1033R2-SF-12 regarding the use of Christ our Savior Lutheran Church property for the Manara Academy. I am a homeowner in Coppell residing at ____________________.
I oppose to the campus location for several reasons.
1) Traffic & safety problems inherent with the academy’s proposed traffic plan
2) The potential of future school expansion due to the acreage of undeveloped land next to it, and
3) The financial strain on all of our city services with little or no benefit to our citizens.
Our family moved to Coppell for (fill in your reasons in your own words: some most common reasons: outstanding schools, quality of life, proximity to the metroplex at large, small town community feel). Additional cars and busses of this volume will have an adverse impact on Coppell!
I urge you to carefully review this SUP and vote NO at your June 16th council meeting. As our elected public officials it is your responsibility to act in the best interest of our City and the Coppell taxpayer who voted you into public office.

Thank you,
Your signature

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Email Coppell City Council stating your opposition to (SUP-S-1033R2-SF-12) Manara Academy - - Form letter and instructions below.

Dear Coppell Residents,

The Coppell City Council meets on June 16, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the Town Center Building on 255 Parkway Blvd regarding the proposed charter school, Manara Academy. Please make it a priority to attend this meeting to show your opposition to this matter. Today we ask that you send an e-mail to our City Council voicing your opposition. Let your voice be heard!!!

FAQs regarding SUP-S-1033R2-SF-12

Why is there an issue if the previous SUP was for 400 students?
• The original SUP for the Lutheran school was approved in 1988. Our city infrastructure was much different 20 years ago. At that time, the church school was located on the outskirts of town. Town Center Building, Fire House #3, Police Headquarters, Coppell Justice Center, and the Cozby Library, did not exist in 1988. These facilities serve as our city’s main infrastructure as we know it today. Town Center Elementary, our current CHS campus, the YMCA, retail establishments and residential neighborhoods are also now adjacent to this area. Indeed the past 20 years has been a time of growth and improvement for our city. What was appropriate and reasonable in 1988 has absolutely no relevance to what is best for our Coppell today.
• The actual enrollment numbers at the Lutheran school never came close to the allowed 400 students. More than two-thirds of the students who attended were preschool age children who attend once or twice a week. The school’s drop off and pick up times were later in the morning and earlier in the afternoon than CISD schools and thus did not add to peak traffic times.
• Through the years, the city leaders zoned the lots surrounding the campus as single residence on the basis of the level of impact the school would have on the surrounding residents. The school’s enrollment numbers declined for many years before closing their doors. It is incumbent upon the city leaders to protect the integrity of our neighborhoods.
Any person that cites the precedent of the 1988 Lutheran Church’s SUP as a position of support for this 2009 SUP is uneducated on how our city and its needs have changed dramatically in the past 20 years.

How does this concern those of us who do not live in the neighborhoods surrounding the proposed school?

• Heartz Road is a main route for our emergency responders.
• Any large volume use of this land will inject undue stress to our infrastructure and city services- with no benefit to our city.
• The increase in traffic decreases our safety in the already congested heart of our city.
• The issue is not what the location is used for (commercial, governmental or educational), but to the concern of additional traffic activity in this location.
The letter that follows is meant to make your part easy! You may personalize it by filling in the red spaces, or simply cut and paste from the sample letter. It only needs to contain your name, address and that you are in opposition to the SUP. Your one email will be sent to all councilpersons. It is that easy!

This will take 1 or 2 minutes to complete and send. Please, DO IT NOW!


e-mail to:
Subject Line: Vote No to SUP – S – 1033R2-SF-12
June ___, 2009

Dear Coppell City Council Members,
I am writing to you to share my strong opposition for the proposed SUP – S – 1033R2-SF-12 regarding the use of Christ our Savior Lutheran Church property for the Manara Academy. I am a homeowner in Coppell residing at ____________________.
I oppose to the campus location for several reasons.
1) Traffic & safety problems inherent with the academy’s proposed traffic plan
2) The potential of future school expansion due to the acreage of undeveloped land next to it, and
3) The financial strain on all of our city services with little or no benefit to our citizens.
Our family moved to Coppell for (fill in your reasons in your own words: some most common reasons: outstanding schools, quality of life, proximity to the metroplex at large, small town community feel). Additional cars and busses of this volume will have an adverse impact on Coppell!
I urge you to carefully review this SUP and vote NO at your June 16th council meeting. As our elected public officials it is your responsibility to act in the best interest of our City and the Coppell taxpayer who voted you into public office.

Thank you,
Your signature

This is the first of a Series of Communications Concerning the Neighbor’s Perspective Regarding the Manara Academy

Do you know what is happening in your own backyard?

We didn’t until early April of this year. At that time, we received a notice from the City of Coppell notifying anyone within 200 feet of Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church, located at 140 South Heartz Road, that the Manara Academy requested that the City of Coppell issue a revised Special Use Permit (SUP-S-1033R2-SF-12) to convert the primary use of this facility from a church to a K-8 Public Charter School.

While this has received some media attention, rumors and false information are circulating, and therefore it is important that the citizens of Coppell have factual information that will allow each person to decide for him or herself if this is compatible with our city’s strategic vision.

What is the Manara Academy Charter School?
• The Manara Academy is chartered as a K-8 public school with up to 500 students. This is roughly the same size as any Coppell Elementary School. Its plan is to start as a K-5 school with 326 students the first year (it already has a waiting list), and add an additional grade level each year. Its plan is to lease the property during the first year with the intent to purchase it in 2010.
• Per the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the Manara Academy has the ability to revise its charter in three years to become a K-12 school, and to also request to increase the number of students above the 500 currently in its charter.
• Out of the initial 326 students that will be enrolled more than 93% are from communities outside of Coppell. In fact, students will come from Irving, Arlington, Dallas, Grapevine, Lewisville, Plano, Grand Prairie, Carrollton-Farmers Branch, Hurst, Euless, Bedford, Colleyville, Flower Mound, and Coppell.
• We would encourage everyone to research the Manara Academy. You can check out its website at .
Why is this issue a big deal for Coppell and all of its citizens?
• The existing property is located in the heart of Coppell. It will add additional traffic and safety concerns to everyone traveling the streets of Coppell (i.e. MacArthur, Denton Tap, Sandy Lake, Bethel School and others).
• Although Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church had a previous Special Use Permit for 400 students, the school has yet to show evidence that it ever reached this number, and in fact, have disclosed that more than two-thirds of the students who attended were preschool age children who didn’t attend every day. The school’s drop off and pick up times were later in the morning and earlier in the afternoon than those of CISD elementary schools and thus did not add to the morning and afternoon traffic.
• Coppell’s elementary schools currently service their immediate neighborhoods. In contrast, the Manara Academy will draw from a large portion of the Metroplex. This is one of three charter schools in the State of Texas of its kind to offer its innovative teaching approach and foreign language choices.
• The Traffic Impact Analysis provided by Manara Academy showed that traffic will adversely impact the Level of Service on local streets and main thoroughfares. The negative impact on the overall traffic and “Quality of Life” will affect all of the citizens of Coppell. The Traffic Impact Analysis did not evaluate problems regarding traffic spilling over into neighboring feeder streets. Many of us already deal with traffic within our city, especially around our schools. The city has already recognized this as an issue, with Manara Academy further compounding the problem.
• Manara Academy’s Traffic Management Plan has inherent problems. Under its current proposal, there is the possibility that children exiting cars will have to cross in front of a running vehicle. This is not allowed at CISD schools. In fact, the Planning & Zoning Commission DENIED a start-up private school for this very issue when it recently requested an SUP. If the Manara Academy changes the proposed traffic flow to accommodate drop off and pick up, it will likely create a QUEUING issue on Heartz. There is a city ordinance stating that queuing on Heartz is not allowed.
• A Public Charter School will not generate any tangible revenue for the city, but will put additional financial constraints on our City Services which include but are not limited to police and fire departments, water and sewer, public library, parks, etc. In addition, the City will be responsible for any street and infrastructure improvements to help accommodate the school……again the use of our tax dollars.


The City of Coppell has finished its work on Coppell 2030, and it is posted on the city’s web site at under e-news. We encourage you to read the study’s finding and decide for yourself if Manara Academy fits into our city’s strategic vision.

Citizens of Coppell, what is the plea?

The plea is for each of you to voice your opinions and concerns to our city officials. They are elected to protect the interest of our city and its citizens regarding issues that impact our community like both the “Northlake” and “Barnett Shale” issues. Whether you support the location of this school or oppose it, we encourage each and every one of you to become informed on this issue and attend the specially called City Council meeting on June 16, 2009 where this issue will be voted on.

If you want to take action now, contact your council representatives via mail, e-mail or fax.

Mail: 255 Parkway Blvd.
PO Box 9478
Coppell, TX 75019
Fax: 972-304-3673

Future communications will be sent to continue to educate you on this complicated issue. Please forward this to other concerned citizens and neighbors of Coppell.

LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD! The time is now.