Monday, October 12, 2009
City Council Meeting on Tuesday, 730p Regular Session
The Agenda for Tuesday's City Council meeting is available here.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
CISD Middle School Strategic Plan, Action Teams Forming
From the Coppell ISD website:
The nearly 30 member Middle School Strategic Planning Team, consisting of parents, students, community members and CISD staff, met Sept. 21-23 to set a future vision for middle schools in alignment with the current CISD Strategic Plan. The committee created 3 objectives and 6 tactics. A draft will be available on the CISD web site next week.
The next step in this process is developing Action Teams, and we need your help!These teams will meet weekly to perform research and develop a plan for recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The kickoff meeting will be on Thursday, October 8th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in the Coppell Middle School North Cafeteria. Click here to register - CISD Middle School Strategic Plan Action Team SignUp
There has been some confusion on the day and time of "The Discussion".
Here is additional information and I'll put an update out when I have the information confirmed:
Everyone interested in learning more about the important issues facing CISD is encouraged to attend the monthly public forums beginning on Wednesday, October 7, from 7-8 PM in the CHS Lecture Hall. The first topic, School Finance and the Budget Beyond 2010, will focus on the state’s system of recapture and CISD budget trends over time leading up to the financial state of the district today. This session will lay the groundwork for future topics, and I hope you will find the time to join me in “The Discussion.”
The nearly 30 member Middle School Strategic Planning Team, consisting of parents, students, community members and CISD staff, met Sept. 21-23 to set a future vision for middle schools in alignment with the current CISD Strategic Plan. The committee created 3 objectives and 6 tactics. A draft will be available on the CISD web site next week.
The next step in this process is developing Action Teams, and we need your help!These teams will meet weekly to perform research and develop a plan for recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The kickoff meeting will be on Thursday, October 8th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in the Coppell Middle School North Cafeteria. Click here to register - CISD Middle School Strategic Plan Action Team SignUp
There has been some confusion on the day and time of "The Discussion".
Here is additional information and I'll put an update out when I have the information confirmed:
Everyone interested in learning more about the important issues facing CISD is encouraged to attend the monthly public forums beginning on Wednesday, October 7, from 7-8 PM in the CHS Lecture Hall. The first topic, School Finance and the Budget Beyond 2010, will focus on the state’s system of recapture and CISD budget trends over time leading up to the financial state of the district today. This session will lay the groundwork for future topics, and I hope you will find the time to join me in “The Discussion.”
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
9/8/09 City Council Meeting: No Property Tax Rate Increase with '09-'10 Budget
Tonight's City Council meeting including 3 Public Hearings and a number of items for City Staff and City Council.
Full Agenda and packet here (.pdf, 154 pages)
Also, City Council approved the '09-'10 Budget unanimously and voted 5-2 for no Property Tax increases next year. Council members Tunnell and Brancheau voted in opposition.
Brancheau also made a statement that he didn't want to make a million dollar mistake, and that no tax increase this year was a mistake.
There were 3 Public Hearings tonight.
One on a zoning change to allow a residence in Bethel Road Estates to be made of stucco and have a 2 story residential structure on the same property (pic on right).
The second item was an ordinance change for rules for computing the number parking spaces when a business increases the amount of floor space, employees, seating capacity, etc. It was noted that some restaurants enter into agreements with other nearby businesses for overflow parking. The new J. Macklins was mentioned in sharing parking at the YMCA.
The last hearing was on "Special Definitions" to revise the existing existing definition of "Outside Storage and Display".
I watched and listened to the meeting from the Video Room on the City of Coppell's website. I updated live via Twitter at

The next City Council meeting is 9/22/09 at 530p. The September Planning and Zoning meeting is on 9/17/09 at 630p.
city council,
city of coppell,
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
City Council Meeting, 730p Regular Session
Direct link to .pdf Agenda
A few items from tonight's meeting:
A few items from tonight's meeting:
- (9) Zoning change for Bethel Road Estates to allow for stucco and to allow an additional detached, 2 story residential structure at 256 West Bethel Road
- (10) Amendment for "Rules for computing number of parking spaces"
- (11) Amendment to revise the existing definition of "Outside Storage and Display--Retail Stores: Retail Stores and Shops:" to include additional screening requirements
- (14) adopting the '09 - '10 Budget
- (15) approval of ad valorem taxes
Two items of interest:
- (12) Resolution, outlining the terms and conditions of a debt service funding plan
- (13) Consider approval of the written Fund Balance policy of the City of Coppell
Will be interesting to hear the discussion about a debt service funding plan and policy.
Follow updates on Twitter tonight at
Facebook group is located here
city council,
city of coppell,
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Coppell Residents speak out against tax increase - Coppell Gazette, 9/6/09
Direct link via Coppell Gazette
Dave Capps, a 23-year resident and businessman was concerned that the tax rate is too high. He said he paid more than $50,000 in taxes last year for his home and business.
“I am sure there are plenty of items in the budget that the city of Coppell is working very diligently to make cuts on during this recession. If not there should be,” Capps said.
Former Coppell mayor Mark Wolfe said he has supported every bond election for the city and school district since he moved to Coppell.
“For the first time in 30 years as a resident of this community I find myself opposed to my local government,” Wolfe said.
Senior citizens said they are on a budget and even a small tax increase would be a burden. Others said it was not the time for a tax increase.
After more than two hours the hearings were closed and council discussed what they had heard from the residents.
Billy Faught, Place 5, thanked the residents for coming out and expressing their feelings.
“There have been several comments made tonight that I agree with,” Faught said. “I feel it is a time to make some tough decisions.”
Faught ended by saying the council is listening, and “this is not a done deal.”
“Coppell has always been a paid-as-we-go city,” said Bob Mahalik, councilman Place 2. “We can’t avoid taxes completely. It is going to happen; it’s just how much and when.” He added that the council will compromise.
Marsha Tunnell, Place 4, said the council has been meeting on the budget for most of the year.
“The taxes are going to be raised, they have to be raised,” Tunnell said. “I don’t know how much, but they will be raised, but I don’t when.”
She added that the timing for a tax increase isn’t good.
“We (the council) agreed that no matter what path we take we will have to raise taxes,” said Tim Brancheau, councilman Place 1. “I hope that we have the political will as a group to follow through with our agreement.”
Mayor Pro Tem Karen Hunt said she has not made up her mind about what should be done about the tax rate increase.
“I do appreciate all the information I have gotten from citizens, and all the additional perspectives that I’ve heard,” Hunt said. “Because it does help me navigate through this decision.”
She said she has “flip-flopped” back and forth on how she feels about the tax rate.
“Have I made up my mind (on the tax rate)? I am not sure.” Hunt said. “There won’t be (any) new tax; it’s when will there be a tax, because we need it.”
Brianna Hinajosa-Flores, Place 3, appreciated the input from the residents.
“I have read your emails and I have heard your comments I hear you loud and clear,” Hinajosa-Flores said. “I have wrestled with it and it is a difficult decision.”
Hinajosa-Flores added that no one wants higher taxes.
Marvin Franklin, Place 6, said there was not a lot of communication regarding the tax increase.
“Taxes are an issue that affects everyone, whether you are rich, poor, or middle income, and it deserved all the discussion it’s getting,” Franklin said.
Franklin added that the council needs to be creative when it comes to the budget and tax rate.
“We do not need a tax increase this year to pay all our bills for the longer term and to have a healthy fund balance,” Franklin said. “That is where I stand and I am firm in that.”
He added that the council is there to serve and protect the residents of Coppell.
“We still are going to have to pay this North Lake debt.” Franklin said.
Coppell Residents speak out against tax increase
By Jim Kilpatrick, Staff Writer
Published: Sunday, September 6, 2009 12:19 PM CDT
More than 70 Coppell residents spoke out against the proposed 2009-2010 municipal budget and the 2009-2010 proposed tax rate of .69146 at the regular meeting of the Coppell city council Aug. 25.
The meeting ran three hours and 51 minutes with residents speaking for more than two hours. No one spoke in favor of either item during the public hearing.Dave Capps, a 23-year resident and businessman was concerned that the tax rate is too high. He said he paid more than $50,000 in taxes last year for his home and business.
“I am sure there are plenty of items in the budget that the city of Coppell is working very diligently to make cuts on during this recession. If not there should be,” Capps said.
Former Coppell mayor Mark Wolfe said he has supported every bond election for the city and school district since he moved to Coppell.
“For the first time in 30 years as a resident of this community I find myself opposed to my local government,” Wolfe said.
Senior citizens said they are on a budget and even a small tax increase would be a burden. Others said it was not the time for a tax increase.
After more than two hours the hearings were closed and council discussed what they had heard from the residents.
Billy Faught, Place 5, thanked the residents for coming out and expressing their feelings.
“There have been several comments made tonight that I agree with,” Faught said. “I feel it is a time to make some tough decisions.”
Faught ended by saying the council is listening, and “this is not a done deal.”
“Coppell has always been a paid-as-we-go city,” said Bob Mahalik, councilman Place 2. “We can’t avoid taxes completely. It is going to happen; it’s just how much and when.” He added that the council will compromise.
Marsha Tunnell, Place 4, said the council has been meeting on the budget for most of the year.
“The taxes are going to be raised, they have to be raised,” Tunnell said. “I don’t know how much, but they will be raised, but I don’t when.”
She added that the timing for a tax increase isn’t good.
“We (the council) agreed that no matter what path we take we will have to raise taxes,” said Tim Brancheau, councilman Place 1. “I hope that we have the political will as a group to follow through with our agreement.”
Mayor Pro Tem Karen Hunt said she has not made up her mind about what should be done about the tax rate increase.
“I do appreciate all the information I have gotten from citizens, and all the additional perspectives that I’ve heard,” Hunt said. “Because it does help me navigate through this decision.”
She said she has “flip-flopped” back and forth on how she feels about the tax rate.
“Have I made up my mind (on the tax rate)? I am not sure.” Hunt said. “There won’t be (any) new tax; it’s when will there be a tax, because we need it.”
Brianna Hinajosa-Flores, Place 3, appreciated the input from the residents.
“I have read your emails and I have heard your comments I hear you loud and clear,” Hinajosa-Flores said. “I have wrestled with it and it is a difficult decision.”
Hinajosa-Flores added that no one wants higher taxes.
Marvin Franklin, Place 6, said there was not a lot of communication regarding the tax increase.
“Taxes are an issue that affects everyone, whether you are rich, poor, or middle income, and it deserved all the discussion it’s getting,” Franklin said.
Franklin added that the council needs to be creative when it comes to the budget and tax rate.
“We do not need a tax increase this year to pay all our bills for the longer term and to have a healthy fund balance,” Franklin said. “That is where I stand and I am firm in that.”
He added that the council is there to serve and protect the residents of Coppell.
“We still are going to have to pay this North Lake debt.” Franklin said.
city council,
city of coppell,
Upcoming Coppell Events - September and October
All from the City of Coppell website

...celebrating life in Coppell.
City of Coppell to Host Patriot Day Ceremony On 9/11
The City of Coppell will conduct a Patriot Day Ceremony on Friday, September 11, 2009, 9:00 a.m. at Town Center Plaza, located behind City Hall, 255 Parkway Blvd. Patriot Day is an annual observance to remember those who were injured or died during the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. The ceremony will feature the Coppell Fire and Police Color Guards along with the Fire Dept. Bagpipe and Drum Corps who will perform traditional ceremonies to honor and pay tribute to public safety agencies and military personnel. The ceremony is open to the public.

National Night Out 2009 is scheduled for Tuesday October 6
National Night Out promotes block parties, which encourage neighbors to come outside, meet one another and unite themselves against crime in our community. Celebrate the evening with an ice cream social, a cookout, a bounce house, or a swim party. You can be as creative as you want to be! We will have a block party contest for the best spirit, best theme, and the party with the most attendance. The neighborhoods that are selected as a winner receive a "2009 Block Party Winner" street sign for their neighborhood. Regardless of who gets the sign, everyone is a winner that helps local law enforcement make our streets and neighborhoods safer. Spend the evening with the Police, Fire, McGruff, "Mr. P.C.", the Robot Car, the National Night Out Knight, The mayor and city council, and of course - your neighbors! We look forward to seeing you at the block parties!
To register your block party, click here to download the National Night Out block party application form 2009 Forms can be returned to Officer R.J. Harr at the Police Station, 130 Town Center Bld., or by fax at 972 304 3535, or email at If you would like more information or help planning your party, contact Officer Harr at 972 304-3625. By registering with Officer Harr, your party will be placed on the visitation list.
The Police and Fire Department will be visiting block parties from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Due to the number of parties, we can not guarantee an exact time when the Police, Fire, Mayor and City Council, McGruff, and the rest of the crew will show up at your party. However, we will guarantee that you will see us at some point in the evening. As a reminder, the Fire Department is subject to emergency calls and may not be able to visit your party.
We also encourage you to help us celebrate by getting involved in our other great activities.
October 17, 2009
5 - 10pm
Andy Brown Community Park, East
More information about the event: Parks and Recreation Department 972-462-5100 fax 972-462-5149 | To Volunteer on the Coppell CREW: 972-462-5181 |
Food Vendor Applications Now Available Vendor Application Deadline is Oct. 2, 2009 Temporary Food Permit Vendor Application |
Friday, September 4, 2009
New Blog Name and URL:
Thank you to everyone that has been reading, commenting, emailing on this blog!
I am making a few changes/tweaks to the of those is the name and website address.
This blog began as "Concerned Citizen 75019" as a place for me to voice an opinion and inform those about this great city. After lots of reflection and work in the community, what I've realized is that the blog's name really didn't reflect the overall goal of mine.
Yes, I am a "concerned citizen" of Coppell, but more importantly, I am a long time resident of Coppell that wants to stay informed and help others as well. Staying informed can take on many forms, not just things that are "concerning".
In that light, I am renaming the blog "Stay Informed in Coppell". This will extend to the Facebook group as well.
I'm keeping the Twitter feed as "@concerncoppell" as the name implies that it concerns Coppell.
If you have saved the blog URL, be sure to change that to
Email me if you have any questions or be sure to leave a comment!
I am making a few changes/tweaks to the of those is the name and website address.
This blog began as "Concerned Citizen 75019" as a place for me to voice an opinion and inform those about this great city. After lots of reflection and work in the community, what I've realized is that the blog's name really didn't reflect the overall goal of mine.
Yes, I am a "concerned citizen" of Coppell, but more importantly, I am a long time resident of Coppell that wants to stay informed and help others as well. Staying informed can take on many forms, not just things that are "concerning".
In that light, I am renaming the blog "Stay Informed in Coppell". This will extend to the Facebook group as well.
I'm keeping the Twitter feed as "@concerncoppell" as the name implies that it concerns Coppell.
If you have saved the blog URL, be sure to change that to
Email me if you have any questions or be sure to leave a comment!
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